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ProTrain | Maine WIOA

Green and Renewable Energy

Online, Self-Paced
"Green" jobs are an important part of our economic future. Start training for a green-collar job today.
Green and Renewable Energy


Photovoltaic Technician

The Photovoltaic System Professional course covers the principles of photovoltaics and how to effectively incorporate PV systems into stand- alone or interconnected electrical systems. The content includes system advantages and disadvantages, site evaluation, component operation, system design and sizing, and installation requirements and recommended practices. Common scenarios and procedures are discussed throughout.. Full description of Photovoltaic Technician

Wind Energy Technician

As the world’s shift away from reliance on fossil fuels the Wind Energy Industry leads the way. In just a few short decades wind energy has evolved dramatically. Technological advances now make wind energy a cost-effective solution for the world’s ever-growing energy needs. The United States leads in the overall wind power capacity. As the wind energy industry continues to expand in the United States and around the globe, it will provide many opportunities for workers in search of new careers. These careers extend beyond the wind farm and include the efforts of employees who work in manufacturing plants, offices, and construction, as well as operation and maintenance. This course provides learners with an overview of wind-energy history, basic concepts, costs, and uses. It is designed for the novice and emphasizes an overview of wind-energy conversion and applications of various wind-turbine systems. Some additional course features include: wind turbine blades, installing and troubleshooting wind turbines, motors, towers, and electrical coverage.. Full description of Wind Energy Technician