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ProTrain | Maine WIOA

Industrial and Skilled Trades

Online, Self-Paced
Do you like to work with your hands? If so, a career in a skilled or industrial trade might be the place for you.
Industrial and Skilled Trades


Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals

The Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals course focuses on the basic concepts and skills that students will require when they work with electrical equipment in a residential location. The course discusses the fundamental principles of electricity and electronics and the function of various devices such as resistors, capacitors, amplifiers, and oscillators. Different types of circuits and their applications are also discussed. They will also learn about safety measures, codes, and rules and regulations that must be followed for preventing mishaps.. Full description of Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals

Photovoltaic Technician

The Photovoltaic System Professional course covers the principles of photovoltaics and how to effectively incorporate PV systems into stand- alone or interconnected electrical systems. The content includes system advantages and disadvantages, site evaluation, component operation, system design and sizing, and installation requirements and recommended practices. Common scenarios and procedures are discussed throughout.. Full description of Photovoltaic Technician